In the heart of New York City, Inspiria Outdoor embarked on a exciting journey. Their goal: to capture creative prowess in a team photo in Times Square for the Westchester Magazine. This would be part of the renowned Faces of Westchester feature.
Westchester businesses are making their mark on countless aspects of our lives, thanks to the vision, innovation, and determination of the passionate and talented people behind them. The Faces of Westchester recognize those businesses and the individuals who make them thrive.
The Inspiria team ventured into the bustling energy of Times Square, undeterred by the winter chill. Amidst the vividly illuminated billboards and the ever-changing tapestry of dynamic crowds, they sought out the perfect location.
The Westchester Magazine will be releasing the Faces of Westchester issue and recognizing Inspiria’s commitment, dedication and their excellence in Outdoor Advertising.
Read more about the Faces of Westchester HERE