How much does it cost to advertise on a Taxi?
Taxi top ads are among the most recognizable in the world. Most customers are accustomed to seeing the bright backlit top featuring ads whenever they step in or as they are walking the streets of any city. Costs for taxi top advertising depend on many factors including the quantity of taxis you purchase, the city you purchase them in, and the level of spend. In addition, it will depend on the media type: Printed Taxi Top Advertising, Digital Taxi Top Advertising or Taxi TV Advertising. Advertising on taxi tops can range from $300-$350 per taxi for double sided printed ads with minimum contract requirements that differ in each city. Advertising on digital tops can start as low as $5,000 and reach much more significant numbers based on the geography you are targeting and the amount of people you want to reach.
Taxi top advertising is among the most recognizable in the world. Most customers are accustomed to seeing the bright backlit top featuring ads whenever they step in or as they are walking the streets of any city. Taxis gravitate toward the busiest areas in most cities as well as airports making taxi top advertising a natural fit for general market saturation in major cities like NY and Chicago. Taxi tops are sold in packages based on showing levels in each city.
While taxi top advertising capture those entering taxis or walking/driving past them, taxi tv advertising specifically targets taxi passengers. Those who have ridden in taxis are certainly familiar with the concept of taxi tv advertising. Playing in loops, your ad slot allows for a 15, 30 or 60 second full motion video allowing you to showcase your brand while passengers ride toward their destination. Taxi tv advertising can allow dayparting to further reach your target audience such as evening and rush hour day parting.