Similar to cryptocurrency, NFT’s are a new way of purchasing. NFT stands for non-fungible token, meaning it cannot be replaced. This form of currency represents a physical asset such as music or digital artwork. The difference between cryptocurrency and NFT’s is that an NFT can not be traded. In addition, these items are purchased through a block chain.
Why are NFT companies using Times Square advertising to draw awareness to their brand? Times Square has 1,500 businesses and an average of 180,000 employees. Considered on of NYC’s most visited tourist attractions, the NYC Bowtie averages 174 million annual pedestrians. Therefore, placing your brand on a Time Square billboard allows for large impressions from tourists and local businesses. Displaying your brand on billboards that can reach 20 stories high not only provide physical impressions, but can also boost exposure on social media platforms. These campaigns can run anywhere from 30 minutes to a month. Time Square is one of the most recognized forms of advertisements. The value of sharing and utilizing these photos and videos more often outweigh the companies initial investment. Consumers notice OOH ads more than digital, therefore connecting the two formats can increase your brand exposure.