Inspiria Outdoor can give your business the 24/7 exposure it deserves with Phone Kiosks Advertisements!
Located at major intersections, near sidewalks and near heavy traffic. Phone Kiosk Advertising offers your brand a unique opportunity to show a standing presence in major cities. This media type allows a business to target pedestrians 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Using Outdoor Advertising to market your business will certainly provide you with several prime audiences. For instance, potential buyers, long-term brand recognition, immediate brand awareness and high profile exposure near point-of-purchase (POP) locations!
In other words, phone kiosks are large outdoor advertisements that successfully target consumers that are driving or walking by and directly guiding customers to your business!
Inspiria is an outdoor advertising agency focusing on everything from airports, buses, commuter rail, subway, taxi and specialty media.
We at Inspiria Outdoor singularly focus on Outdoor Advertising. Our primary objective is to substantially increase a company’s brand recognition and exposure through strategic outdoor advertising placements. We are proud to guide our clients in providing the best outdoor media mix available to meet their budgets and strategic goals. In other words, whether you are interested in airports, buses, rail, or specialty media, Inspiria is your partner in outdoor advertising. For this reason, we are proud to have experts on staff to guide you each step of the way from planning to execution.